Are you anxious or fearful today?? Is there something that is causing you to be anxious and paralyzed with fear and anxiety?
BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Emphasis mine)
Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV
FEAR IS NOT FROM GOD! Let this encourage you that no matter what situation or circumstance you might be in, that fear is not from God and GOD IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM! In Philippians 4:6 God is showing us and wanting to encourage us that whatever you are facing, there is nothing you have to be afraid of. The only thing circumstances, situations or even the devil can do or power it/he has, is intimidation, nothing else! BUT Here God is showing us how to overcome that intimidation and anxiety by turning to Him in prayer and thanksgiving. Prayer is relationship with God, which means there is a two way communication where you speak to Him but also you're listening to what He is saying to you. Thanksgiving happens when you are thankful for something you have received. Which means you have it already.
So, what will be the result and what you will experience when you turn to God in prayer and share your heart and situation with Him? He will speak to you, and show you that you already have everything that you need to overcome this situation, whether it be finances, direction, restoration in an area, purpose, peace or joy. He will also show you that the supply for your situation is already yours because of you being righteous (made accepted and good enough) before God. So as you realize and receive the truth that you already have what you need and you have already overcome your situation, because you are God's child, this will be the result. Philippians 4:7 shows us that your heart will experience and be guarded by the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Therefore you will experience such a supernatural peace that goes beyond your understanding which will cause you to overflow with thankfulness towards God.
I want to encourage you today to meditate/think on the scripture Philippians 4:6-7 and let God show you that you have nothing to be afraid of or be anxious about.
Lastly, how does the truth you learnt today change your thoughts, decisions and actions.