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Encouragement for Today - Are you in need of being refreshed?


Are you in need of being refreshed?

Keep reading and be refreshed.

He makes me lie down in [fresh, tender] green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters. Psalm 23:2 AMPC

Let's discover more the heart of our Shepherd Jesus and how He leads us, and what he wants for us to experience through His leading and guiding. In Psalm 23:2 it shows us that His leading causes us to lie down in fresh, tender green pastures. When you laying down it speaks of a place of rest (no chaos). This shows us, His leading causes us to rest. Then He shows us the type of place He leads us into. He leads us into fresh and tender green pasturesfresh speaking of new and life-giving, and then tender meaning, that it's not harsh but showing gentleness, kindness, and affection. We can see that this shows us His leading is fresh, new, life-giving, not harsh but showing us gentleness, kindness and affection. Green pastures also speaks about food, nourishment and satisfaction, therefore His leading will always cause us to be nourished and be satisfied. 

The second part of Psalm 23:2 shows us that he leads us by still  and restful waters. Water brings refreshing, life and energy, therefore we can see that His leading will cause us to be refreshed, experience life and energy. The waters where He leads us to is still and restful waters, which shows us he doesn't lead us into chaos but into peace and rest. 

Meditate on this today

  • God's leading will always bring rest, peace, life, nourishment and satisfaction to my life and it is new and fresh every day. 

  • God's heart in leading me is to show me gentleness, kindness and affection. 

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