Herefreshes and restores my life (my self); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him–not for my earning it, but] for His name's sake. Psalm 23:3 AMPC
Do you need refreshing? Is there any area of your life that needs restoration? Is your soul (your mind and emotions) troubled?
If that is you today, then I have GOOD NEWS for you! Jesus; The GOOD SHEPHERD'S heart is to do exactly that, RESTORE YOUR LIFE. Jesus is not in the business of destroying your life but restoring your life. The only destroying Jesus does, is to destroy the works of the devil not your life (see 1John 3:8). Psalm 23:3 shows us how Jesus brings refreshing and restoration in our lives; by leading us into paths of righteousness. Righteousness means being right with God, being accepted by God, good enough for God. Another way to define it is, standing in the presence of God without any feeling of inferiority. Jesus when He died on the cross for us, He made us right with God and gave us God's righteousness as a gift (2 Corinthians 5:21), all you have to to do is receive it by faith. The paths that Jesus leads us into always to shows us how righteous we are, how accepted by God we are and how good enough we are for God already because of what He has done for us on the cross. As you receive this gift by faith, it will refresh you, empower you, strengthen you to rise above any and every circumstance and bring restoration in your heart, soul (mind and emotions) and it will give you peace and boldness.
Meditate on this today
Jesus's leading always shows you how right you already are with God.
My strength comes from knowing and believing how right, accepted and good enough I already am for God.