having PREDESTINED US to ADOPTION AS SONS by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the GOOD PLEASURE of His will,
Ephesians 1:5 NKJV
Today we will be looking more into how God sees you and what's His intention of what he did for you is. The word predestined can make us feel uncomfortable and fearful sometimes, because we don't understand it and it makes us feel that some are better than others and that we are excluded. BUT that's not at all what it means, predestined means to make a choice. So looking at Ephesians 1:5 above from this definition of predestined, it shows us that God predestined to adopt you as His child which means, He made a decision to adopt you as his son or daughter in other words, He made a decision to make you His child. God chose to bring you into His family, to be His child, to be His, before the foundation of the world. Being God's child speaks of love, value, acceptance, identity and purpose. Its also shows that you are not a slave that is trying to earn love, value, acceptance, identity and purpose from God, BUT all of this is already yours, BECAUSE GOD CHOSE YOU AND MADE YOU HIS CHILD. Wow! What a thought think about this for a moment!
As we saw yesterday, God loves you so much and therefore He chose you and you are His best choice! Now in Ephesians 1:5 we see that God chose us and made us His children, and it was because of the GOOD PLEASURE of His will. So what does good pleasure of His will mean? "His will" means that it's a choice and it's the will of someone, who's will? God's will. Good pleasure means delight, pleasure, satisfaction and desire. This means it's God's desire to make you His child and to have relationship with you and through making you His child, it brought Him delight, pleasure and satisfaction. GOD WANTS YOU AND THEREFORE HE CHOSE YOU and it satisfied Him, delighted Him and brought great pleasure in making you His child and so that He can have relationship with you where you are the focus of His Love.
Read Ephesians 1:5 for yourself again and write down what stood out for you and meditate on that today.
What truth did you learn today and who can you share that truth with that will encourage and strengthen them?