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God's love for you


THINK ABOUT THE FOLLOWING questions and answer them for yourself before continuing reading.

What do you need to do for God to love you? Does God only love you when you have been good enough, or done enough the right things?

But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us.

Romans 5:8 AMPC

When we look at the above verse, it shows us that God has demonstrated and proved His love for you by dying on the cross for you. So how many years ago did Jesus die on the cross for you? Did you live before He died on the cross for you? Did you do anything so that he would die on the cross for you? Think about this.

When you answer these questions you'll realize that, He died for you 2000 years ago,before you ever lived and as Romans 5:8 says you were a sinner, you wanted nothing to do with God, you were completely against Him. BUT even though God knew all about that, and yet He still demonstrated and proved His love for you, by dying on the cross for you. This shows us that God's love and approval of you is not based on what you do and how well you do it or what you don't do.

I want to encourage you to take some time and read Romans 5:8 again for yourself and answer the following questions for yourself.

What is the one thing in this verse that strikes my heart and stands out for me?

What does this verse tell me about God and relationship with God?

How does this verse impact and change my relationship with others?

How does this verse impact and change my thoughts, decisions and actions?

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