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AND YOU [He made alive], when you were dead (slain) by [your] trespasses and sins

Ephesians 2:1 AMPC

You might be reading this above verse thinking, how can I be made alive if I was never dead? You are a 3 part being spirit, soul and body. The spirit part of you is what produces the life in you, that is the part of you that initially died because of what Adam did, His sin. Because of what Adam did, we all where born as sinners into this world(fallen and full of sin). Now, IF you believe in Jesus and you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, and He raised you up together with Jesus, you are no longer a sinner by nature but YOU ARE NOW A Saint which is holy, pure and blameless by nature. This is what's called being born again; your spirit is reborn completely new, which is now holy, pure and blameless. Therefore, You are born into Holiness, you can't make yourself Holy.

Ephesians 2:1 shows us, that as believers in Jesus we are made alive, so the fact that our spirit has been made alive, we have life inside of us and not death. Think about this for a moment. What does it mean to have life inside of you and not death? Life can be described or associated with the following; love, peace, joy, freedom, health, strength and provision. On the contrary death can be described or associated with, fear, confusion, destruction, bondage, obligation selfishness, sickness, poverty and much more. Therefore because we have LIFE INSIDE OF US, which our new born again spirit produces in us, we can constantly experience, love, joy, peace, freedom, strength, provision, boldness and everything that life consists of. NOW VERY IMPORTANT, you cannot experience this life, unless you realize that you have it and you change the way you think. Your mind will allow you to experience, based on what you believe, it will also prevent you from experiencing things God has for you based on what you believe. Therefore you have to change the way you think (Romans 12:1-2), by embracing the truth of what God's Word says about you. As you begin to embrace the truth from God's Word about you and you start thinking according to that, you will automatically and effortlessly begin to experience the life of God in your daily life and in every situation.

How does this truth you learned today impact your view of God?

How does this change and impact my thoughts, decisions and actions?

How does this change and effect the way I see and the way I approach situations and circumstances in my life?

Who can I share this truth with?

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