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In our previous encouragement we looked at how God wants you to know and come to the understanding of His immeasurable and great power that you already have on the inside of you. Today, we will be carrying on with that and we will be looking at what that power looks like and what it accomplishes.

Which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His [own] right hand in the heavenly [places],

Ephesians 1:20 AMPC

The first thing Ephesians 1:20 shows us is the ability of His power and what it has accomplished - which was to overcome death on the cross and raise Jesus from the dead. So, the power of God is so strong that death can't overcome or overpower it but God's power overpowers death. Everything we have and all the blessings that we have received is because of our union; oneness with Jesus. Therefore, You as a believer have raising from the dead power inside of you! Think about that before you carry on reading. Now this power that is inside of you is not just an ability, it's a person, and this power is produced by the person of the Holy Spirit. Let's look at the following verse that explains this.

And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you.

Romans 8:11 AMPC

The Holy Spirit (God's Spirit and God's power) which is in you and working in you is so powerful that it will overcome death. I love the fact that God's power relates to a person, and that person being the Holy Spirit, because it shows that it's not something mysterious or weird, and we all can relate on a relational level. What it also shows us again is that God is a God of relationship and God's power always works through relationship! The more you come to know Him, the more His power will work in your life. This isn't a transactional agreement with God if you get to know Him, He'll give you His power, NO! (a thousand times NO!). This is saying that the more you come to know God for who He really is and How GOOD He really is (and ONLY GOOD), you will realize the power He has already given to you in the person of the Holy Spirit who is living on the inside of you. As you receive and acknowledge the power of The Holy Spirit inside you, you will begin to walk in victory over physical death, sickness, depression, fear, anxiety, inferiority, shame, guilt, and any form of death you can name, It will loose its hold on you. If it's not giving or producing life then it's not God. God is the author of life, not death.

How does this truth you learned today impact your view of God?

How does this change and impact my thoughts, decisions and actions?

Who can I share this truth with?

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