Do you want to reign in life? Do you want to affect situations or circumstances and not be affected by situations or circumstances? Do you believe that is is even possible for you?
For your heart(thoughts, will and emotions) to be strong, immovable and stable, it needs to receive God's grace and be strong at a heart level in God's grace(see Hebrews 13:9 AMP)
or if because of one man's trespass (lapse, offense) death reigned through that one, much more surely will those who receive [God's] overflowing grace (unmerited favor) and the free gift of righteousness [putting them into right standing with Himself] reign as kings in life through the one Man Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
Romans 5:17 AMPC
According to Romans 5:17 when you receive God's overflowing Grace and the free gift of righteousness(you being made accepted for God, good enough for God, and made right with God) you will be able to REIGN AS KINGS in life. A very important key here is that we need to receive two things; God's grace and the free gift of righteousness. When something needs to be received it means it has already been given, which means it's a gift not a reward for what was done to earn it. So we can see that we cannot earn God's grace(His pleasure in us, His delight in us, loving-kindness, His unmerited and undeserved favour towards us) and also we can't earn right standing with God (being accepted by God, being good enough for God, being made blameless before God) they both need to be received as a gift, because it has already been given to you by God. The gift shows the heart of the giver. This shows us God is already pleased with us, delights in us, accepts us, that we are good enough for Him and we are blameless before Him. That's is exciting and liberating!!
If we look at righteousness, another word for righteousness is virtue, which means power. So when you receive the free gift of righteousness, it gives you power and authority over any situation and circumstances because you know that you are good enough for God, and accepted by God which makes your heart, firm stable and bold.
Remember Truth trumps fact and reality. Truth is eternal, fact and reality can change, Truth doesn't. Therefore when you receive this truth in Romans 5:17 at a heart level, that God's overflowing grace and free gift of righteousness(right standing with Him) is already yours, it will cause you to REIGN IN LIFE, which is giving you the power to affect your situations and circumstances and to not be affected by your circumstances or situations. Therefore your heart (thoughts, will and emotions) can be strong, undaunted and immovable no matter how good or bad the circumstance or situation is.