But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth.
Acts 1:8 AMPC
What is a witness? Think about it for a moment.
When you are a witness of something it means that you are seeing something taking place. You are experiencing it. What you are witnessing becomes real to you and it's like you are in the midst of everything that's happening and you're experiencing every detail. A simple example of being a witness is when you go to a restaurant and order and taste this decadent and delicious burger. It's when you bite into it, chew it and then as you are tasting and experiencing every bit and part of that delicious decadent burger, you think... WOW, THIS BURGER IS AMAZING! Then you go tell everyone about it because you have seen, tasted, and experienced something that was sooo good that you want everyone else to taste and experience it as well - that which you have seen, tasted and experienced.
Now the same is with God, God wants us to taste and experience HOW AMAZINGLY GOOD HE REALLY IS. Now in Acts 1:8 and Luke 24:46-49, it shows us what the Holy Spirit causes us to be witness of: The Gospel (the good news of what Jesus has accomplished). The Holy spirit causes you to see, experience and understand The Gospel. It's when you see and experience that good news, and only good news of what Jesus has done and accomplished for you through the cross and resurrection, you will go and tell everyone around you. This is because it will be too good to keep it to yourself.
Here is an example of someone being impacted by the goodness and love of Jesus: the women of Samaria (See John 4:1-42). She experienced the Gospel and was so impacted by Jesus and His goodness that she dropped everything and went to tell the whole city about what Jesus did for her and then many more people were impacted and experienced the goodness of Jesus (the Gospel). TODAY, the Holy Spirit wants to show you the goodness of God through what Jesus did for you and gave you so that you can experience how good God is, so will you allow Him to show you today How Good God is and what He has done for you?
This will cause you to want to go and tell everyone around you about the goodness of God.
So how does this truth change your thoughts, decisions and actions, knowing that The Holy Spirit wants to witness to you (causes you to see, experiencing and understand) how good God really is and what He has done for you through Jesus? Think about that.
Important note: The Holy Spirit can only show you these things when you receive Him and His empowering. If you want to know more about receiving the Holy Spirit and His empowering, please contact me personally so I can help you to receive Him and His empowering.