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The Spirit of Truth


And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

John 14:16‭-‬17 KJV

We have been focusing on who the Holy Spirit is, His identity and attributes are and what we will experience when we come into contact with Him. The better we know who the Holy Spirit is, the better we can recognize Him and His ministry to us. Yesterday we saw the Holy Spirit is the Comforter so anything and everything the Holy Spirit does will bring us comfort because that is who He is.

When we look at John 14:17 (the above verse) it shows us that The Holy Spirit is also referred to as the Spirit of Truth. So two things we can see that we will experience when we come into contact with The Holy Spirit is Comfort and Truth. Comfort and Truth go hand in hand together. Therefore The Truth is also never harsh. In John 16:13 it shows us that The Holy Spirit leads us in to Truth, but it's our choice if we are going to follow His leading and follow the Truth He is showing us. When you are being lead, you have a choice to follow, it's not forced on you. This also shows that we have a choice in receiving the Truth that the Holy Spirit is showing us or to reject it. When we choose to receive the truth the Holy Spirit is leading us in, that truth will comfort you and and set you free. Only when you choose to embrace the Truth that the Holy Spirit shows you, can it comfort you and bring freedom in your life. VERY IMPORTANT, TRUTH WILL ALWAYS POINT TO JESUS, WHO IS THE TRUTH (John 14:6), which means, the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Truth will always point you to Jesus and what He has accomplished for you! Celebrate today that The Holy Spirit is not against you, but He is there to bring truth and comfort to you that will result in true and lasting freedom in your life!

How does this truth that you learned today about the Holy Spirit change your thoughts, decisions and actions. Think about it.

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