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What is true freedom?


What is true freedom? Is your heart free and experiencing freedom? 

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

John 8:32 NKJV

According to the verse above, in order for us to experience freedom, we need to know the truth, but the truth about what? It's Very Important to realize that, it's THE TRUTH that YOU KNOW that will set you free. So let's look at what is the Truth that you need to know to walk and experience freedom. 

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

Galatians 5:1 ESV

The truth we need to know for us to experience and walk in freedom is that Christ came to set us free. So did Jesus come to set you free to get something from you or so that you can serve Him? In Galatians 5:1 it shows us Jesus came to set you free for freedom sake, that means He did not set you free to get anything from you or so that you can do anything for Him or so you have to serve Him, BUT He's set you free so that you can be truly free. Think about this, if Jesus only came to set you free so that you can serve Him or what you can do for Him, then you aren't truly free. Because if He set you free and now you have to serve Him because He has set you free then that's not freedom, that's obligation. 

The word freedom that it speaks of in Galatians 5:1 means; free, exempt (free from liability or obligation), unrestrained (to go at pleasure), not bound by an obligation. The Freedom Jesus came to give you, is that you don't live under NO feeling of obligation, EVER! When you live under obligation it causes you to live in guilt, shame and fear, which brings bondage. Also when you under obligation, you don't have a choice, and that is not the nature and character of Jesus or God, God always gives us the freedom to choose and He never insists on His own way (see 1 Corinthians 13:5). Christ came to set you free from obligation, guilt, fear and shame (see Romans 4:25). You are free to choose without any feelings of obligation, liability, guilt or fear - that's freedom! When you realize this FREEDOM God gave you is because of His intense and great love for you, your response will be to choose and receive all He has for you and to follow his leading and guidance because His guidance and leading ALWAYS BRINGS FREEDOM! 

When you know this truth, you will live in true freedom, free from guilt, shame fear, obligation, liability and know that you have the freedom to choose. CHOOSE FREEDOM! 

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