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But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth.

Acts 1:8 AMPC

What is your picture of The Holy Spirit, what attributes do you ascribe to The Holy Spirit? Pause and think about that?

Your answer to this question will determine if you will limit or enable what The Holy Spirit wants to or can do in and through you. Let's discover what is the heart and purpose for the The Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 is showing us that when we receive the Holy Spirit and we surrender to His enabling, what the result and effect of that will be. Let's see what that is. Firstly it shows us that you receive The Holy Spirit(see Luke 11:13), which means it's a gift and it's not something you can earn or work for. You need to RECEIVE the Holy Spirit as a GIFT. That means it's already yours and it's already given to you.

When you have received the gift of The Holy Spirit, one of the things you will experience is POWER. What kind of power is it and what does it do? Acts 1:8 shows us that firstly the power you receive is an ABILITY, which means your have the ability to do things that you weren't able to do before. Secondly this power enables you to be EFFICIENT, when you do things with efficiency, you doing it with great quality and no time wasting. All of us can do with that. Efficiency is also being effective, meaning you get the best and effective results in what you do and all of us want to have the best results in what we do. No one likes to just do things the whole time and see no results. Lastly this power gives you MIGHT, which is a great and large amount of strength and power. This shows us that because of this power and strength that is ours through the Holy Spirit, we have what it takes to overcome anything that comes against us. What a thought?! Let that sink in?

This Power, ability, efficiency and might is yours for a purpose. When God does something, it's always with a purpose and for a purpose. Acts 1:8 shows us the purpose for God giving us The Holy Spirit, and that is to be witness. We will look at that more in the next daily encouragement. Therefore because of The Holy Spirit enabling you, YOU ARE POWER-PACKED AND FULLY LOADED FOR SUCCESS!

So how does this truth you, that you learned today about the power that the Holy Spirit gives you, change your thoughts, decisions and actions? Think about it.

Ps. If you haven't received the Holy Spirit and you want to receive him, please contact me and I would like to help you so that you can receive Him and his empowering.
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