In Him WE HAVE REDEMPTION (deliverance and salvation) through His blood, the remission (forgiveness) of our offenses (shortcomings and trespasses), in accordance with the riches and the generosity of His gracious favor,
Ephesians 1:7 AMPC
When you have something, it shows you that you have it, it's in your possession and it belongs to you. Ephesians 1:7 it shows you what you have, possess and what belongs to you. This is it, YOU HAVE been delivered, saved and forgiven of all your past present and future sins(failures and shortcomings). Therefore when something is yours, either one of two things need to happen for you to experience it. You either need to receive it for yourself or accept it as yours, but you cannot work for it earn it or do anything to make it yours more than it already is.
Then further in Ephesians 1:7 it shows that because of Jesus' blood (Him dying one the cross for you), He forgave you of all your sins, forever. Jesus forgave the sin of the whole world, not just some but ALL, when He died on the cross (See John 1:29). You might be thinking, there is some sins of yours He hasn't forgiven. Think about this, Jesus died 2000 years on the cross, to forgive our sins, if He couldn't die for the sins of all people that has lived, that was currently living at that time and is still going to live in the future, then He couldn't die for past present and future sins. This will mean you and I couldn't be forgiven of anything and we are still sinners. BUT Jesus did die for past present and future sins and therefore you are completely forgiven of all past, present and future sins and that makes you holy and a saint forever .
What does forgiveness mean? It can be described as release from bondage or imprisonment, remission of the penalty, freedom, deliverance. When Jesus forgave you of all your sins for all time it meant the following. Jesus gave you freedom by delivering you from the bondage of your sin(guilt, shame and fear) holding you captive and causing you to feel imprisoned and taking the penalty (punishment) for your sins so that you don't have to and so that you can walk in complete freedom and and liberty. THIS IS LOVE IN ACTION! Receive God's forgiveness that He is freely offering you through what Jesus did on the cross.
How does this truth about how God impact my thoughts, decisions and actions?
Note: This is a very brief explanation of God's forgiveness for you. IF you would like to know and discover more about His forgiveness for you, please contact me and I'll send you resources you can listen to.