Do you feel like there is no point to your life? Maybe you even feeling like, what is my purpose?
Purpose is very important. Without purpose there is no point or value in anything we do. So where do we find purpose? Does what we do give us purpose? Do we find purpose in our job, our families, our achievements, relationships or circumstances...?
In Him also we have received an inheritance [a destiny—we were claimed by God as His own], having been predestined (chosen, appointed beforehand) according to the purpose of Him who works everything in agreement with the counsel and design of His will,
Ephesians 1:11 AMP
In Ephesians 1:11 it shows us that we as believers have an inheritance and that inheritance is that YOU HAVE A DESTINY! What is that destiny? Ephesians 1:11 shows us that your destiny is that God claimed you as His own, meaning God chose you as His child; to belong to Him. YOU BELONG TO GOD AS HIS BELOVED CHILD. Let that sink in for a moment. So your primary destiny is to know and experience the great love and value that God has for you through relationship with Him. As you come to know how greatly loved and valuable you already are by God, you will begin to add great value to everything you do because you know you are greatly valued. Therefore, when you know and believe the great love, value and purpose God has for you, it sets you free from trying to get your value, acceptance and purpose from people or from what you do.
Ephesians 1:11 shows us again that God chose you and appointed you before this world existed. Therefore, before anything existed God's first choice and purpose was to have you as His child and have a relationship with you where He can shower His love on you. Ephesians 1:11 further shows us that it is according to His purpose, which reiterates the heart that it was God's decision and desire to choose you and have relationship with you, which is also in line with his will and design for you. Therefore, your purpose and destiny is the following; that in everything you do, you will get to know God as your loving Father and how greatly He loves and values you. As you come to know and believe the great value and love He has for you, it will overflow to others around you and everything you do. You don't have to get your value and purpose from people or what you do anymore but from God, your loving Father who loves you , values you and chose you before the world was made.
How does this truth you learned today impact your view of God?
How does this change and impact my thoughts, decisions and actions?
Who can I share this truth with?