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We have been looking at the position you have in Christ and the position you as a believer operate from, which determines the outcome. Today we are going to look further into what is yours because of the position you have in Jesus.

And He put all things [in every realm] in subjection under Christ’s feet, and appointed Him as [supreme and authoritative] head over all things in the church,

Ephesians 1:22 AMP

What does it mean that something is in subjection to someone?

When something is in subjection to someone, it means that specific something doesn't have any influence or power over them, they have the power and influence over what is in subjection to them. In Ephesians 1:22 says that all things has been put in subjection under Jesus and everything submits to Him and there is nothing or no one more powerful than Jesus, because of His position(His identity) and authority that has been given to Him by God.

The church which is referred to as Christ's body, which is made up of all believers in Jesus. This tells you, that if you believe in Jesus you are part of him which speaks of intimacy and a closeness to Jesus and God. This is because you are placed inside of Jesus and never to be taken out. Now because you are part of Jesus, you have the same authority that Jesus has over influences and power, be it a natural (circumstantial) influence or power or a spiritual (demonic) influence or power. This doesn't mean you have power or control over people, that takes away their God given, free will and choice,


Therefore when you realize your God given authority that you have over all influences or power , be it circumstantial or demonic, you can use your God given authority to command that influence to leave,and IT HAS TO OBEY YOU! VERY IMPORTANT, you need realize that this power and authority is already yours and believe and receive it as yours in your heart. Otherwise you will just speak words and it won't change anything. What you believe you have, the position you have and the authority you have makes the difference in the outcome and results.

How does this truth you learned today impact your view of God?

How does this change and impact my thoughts, decisions and actions?

Who can I share this truth with?

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